Service of medical analyzers

We are the official distributor of medical analyzers from the following companies: ARKRAY, DIATRON. We have a service department consisting of qualified, experienced employees. Each employee has knowledge about the operation and maintenance of devices on sale. Knowledge is confirmed by certificates that are acquired during cyclical training at the analyzer manufacturers.

What makes us stand out?
  • We offer you a dedicated hotline. The hotline is available at 22 643 04 45 ext. 6. It operates on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Questions and service requests can also be sent to
  • The IT system for handling service requests allows us to shorten the response time and optimize the process.
  • We offer two types of repairs - on-site or in the workshop. Workshop repairs involve the shipment of the analyzer - this is always included in the fixed price of the service. We send the analyzers in special, safe boxes - designed especially for this purpose.
  • For the time of inspection or repair, we can offer you a replacement device.
  • We are flexible, together with the sales department we can create "tailor-made" services for you.
  • We offer an extended warranty service.
  • We have access to manufacturers' knowledge bases.

Important files:

General Terms of Service - basic rules for the provision of maintenance services in Color Trading.